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  • Writer's picturepsroberts7


Well, it has been one HELL of a year---the Virus problem is STILL going on, which has influenced my work greatly--Shyann has moved out of the Sacramento Area, but we still work together (I wouldn't have it any other way; she's a Muse to my photography, and I couldn't do what I do without her); and I am giving serious consideration to opening up my own art studio, to sell nudes and other types of photography....will have to look deeper into that, as people are now working more and more at home.

And, speaking of which, photography itself is ongoing and evolving with the electronic age; as a point of fact, there is more and more phones using the DNG format (see the new Apple products for this information), because even though the DNG format uses more space, it also creates a really good image that can be edited to the Nth degree!! You get more information in the image, and a more pleasing result from your photography--but I won't go into it here. You have to do your own research and see if it is for you or not.

Personally, I can tell you photographers out there to FIND YOURSELF A MUSE--SOMEONE WHO WILL BE THERE FOR YOUR IDEAS, NO MATTER WHAT THEY MAY BE!! I found this out this year and will swear by it--release of that side of the photography process which we call "creativity" cannot grow or survive without ONE individual who drives the process to grow, helping you in ways that you may never have thought of...this year, I was absolutely blessed and fortunate enough to have met someone who is a Muse to my photography, and I thank her for being here helping me with my concepts and ideas.

The rest of the thoughts I may have will be in another area, in another form; but is not for here. I wish you all the best, and hope that NEXT year is way better than this one has been!

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